At Pro-Star Gymnastics, we provide a diverse range of classes to inspire the next generation of gymnasts! Our classes focus not only on skills, strength and flexibility but overall wellbeing. We will develop confidence, independence, social skills and nurture friendships.

0 - 3 yr
Little Rollers
- Parent & toddler Session.
- Develops all senses through play & exploring.
- Fun, relaxed environment.

18 mth - 3 yr
Little Jumpers
- Adult-assisted class - preparing children to be independent.
- Develops fine motor skills & coordination.
- Encourages confident movement & communication.
- Based around FUN.

Tiny Gym
- Independent class.
- Encourages confident movement.
- Fundamental gymnastics skills.
- Enjoyment & learning through themes & challenges.
- Complete & achieve Pre-school Core Proficiency Awards.

P1 - P2
Mini Gym
- Develop & progress skill base.
- Complete & achieve British Gymnastics Rise Programme Rewards.
- Develop friendships & social skills
- Master strength & flexibility.

P3 - P4
Rising Stars
- Develop & progress skill base.
- Strength & conditioning utilised.
- Competitive opportunities.
- Complete & achieve British Gymnastics Rise Programme Rewards.

Shooting Stars
- Increase & develop skill base.
- Strength & flexibility building.
- Competition Team opportunities.
- Complete & achieve British Gymnastics Rise Programme Rewards.