Code Of Conduct


Gymnastics is an all-round sport and one that is both physically and mentally tough. Through our classes your child will gain and develop many skills and qualities. They will develop core/fine motor skills such as listening and taking instruction, they will understand limits and discipline, talking and communicating with peers and coaches as well as gaining physical strength, agility, endurance and co-ordination, to name a few. They will learn to commit, and we hope you can encourage and support our gymnasts alongside the coaching staff.

At Pro-Star Gymnastics Academy, we strive to deliver high quality classes set to a high standard. We hope you will be patient with your gymnasts and understand this is a process which they have to learn and develop.
Pro-Star Gymnastics Academy believe it is important for all coaches, parents / guardians and gymnasts associated with the club to show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare for others at all times. Accordingly, the expectations for behaviour of coaches, parents / guardians and gymnasts are outlined in this Pro-Star Code of Conduct - Gymnasts. Each code is concluded with the course of action that will be taken in the event of a breach.

To maximise safety and efficient learning, Pro-Star Gymnasts' are expected to adhere to the following:

Dress Code - absolutely no buckle, clasp or zip clothing. Small stud earrings are acceptable however must be covered by plasters.
Boys: T-shirt, jogging bottoms / shorts or leotard and shorts. Bare feet or gym slippers can be worn. Long hair tied back and no jewellery.
Girls: T-shirt, jogging bottoms / leggings / shorts or leotard and shorts. Bare feet or gym slippers. Long hair tied back and no jewellery.
Wait patiently and quietly in the gym reception until called into class by a member of staff. Remember this is a working area so gymnasts and parents must ensure respect is shown to employees of Pro Star Gymnastics by maintaining a quiet and orderly manner at all times.
We will follow the British Gymnastic Guidelines on appropriate clothing. We will also respect the necessary wearing of clothing in line with any religious beliefs.
When inside the gym, sit quietly on the floor area until further instructions are given.
Leave all shoes / belongings in designated area within the reception area. NB: Pro-Star Gymnastics cannot take responsibility for any lost items.
Listen carefully and respond appropriately to all instructions given by the coach.
If you are asked to lift / move some equipment, always bend at the knees. Do not carry any heavy equipment without the help of other gymnasts.
Report any equipment faults or breakages to the Head Coach immediately.
Never try new skills without the supervision of a coach.
Take responsibility for your own behaviour and use the appropriate language at all times.
Be kind and respectful to other gymnasts and coaches. Be friendly and treat peers equally.
Never play on equipment whilst waiting for your class to begin or if you have not been given permission to do so. This may cause serious injury.
Always ask if you need to leave the gymnasium at any time.
Always ask permission to use the toilet facilities at any time.
Only consume water within the gym.
If a parent / guardian has not collected you at the end of a session, please return to the gym and inform the Head Coach.
In the case of an emergency, keep calm and follow instructions from your class Coach. Do not run and leave all personal items and clothing behind.
No mobile phones are allowed while in the gymnasium - no excuse.

Minor Breaches of this code will result in disciplinary action - first by as verbal warning, then a written. The situation will then be assessed and action taken.

Minor breaches of this code should be brought to the attention of the Head Coach. Should anyone note a major breach, concerns should be reported in confidence to our welfare officer Suzy Scase. In any case disciplinary procedures will be implemented as necessary.

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